Wednesday 15 April 2015

Buy to let deal of the day - lovely Teddington 2 bed

This is a classic case of not so pretty on the outside but lovely on the inside. Now don't forget, for the rental market, what it looks like on the outside is FAR less important than for the sales market so don't let it put you off. The outside isn't actually that bad with this one and the inside MORE than makes up for it...!

Lovely isn't it! So how do the numbers stack up?? Well if you buy it for the offers over price (which I think is a very good price so you might be lucky) of £335k and achieve the market rental figure of £1400pcm then the gross yield works out to be bang on 5%. Great for Teddington which is notoriously 'not great' for yield but much better when it comes to capital appreciation.

Do drop me an email or give me a call if you have any questions about buy to let - happy to help! My contact details are on my website below...

Rebecca Smith

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