Wednesday 27 May 2015

Buy to let deal of the day - easy peasy Teddington 2 bed...

This is for those of you that like to take the easy option when investing, but still want a good return. Its a great size 2 bed flat in Teddington (admittedly the Hampton Wick end of Teddington, but still Teddington)!

This definitely doesn't have 'kerb appeal' (i.e its pretty ugly!) but remember from previous posts that this isn't a big issue on the rental market. Renters aren't looking for their dream home and so will compromise more on what it looks like on the outside rather than how the living space works for them. No work needed, not even a lick of paint. In fact the only downside I can see is that it only has a shower room rather than a bath which will put off the family market You could consider trying to squeeze one in but personally I wouldn't bother as it will still appeal to a wide enough market to rent every day of the week.

I don't know if its just me but does that look like a dishwasher under the hob to you?!?! Random!

Lets see how the numbers stack up. Its on at £339k which I think it a bit ambitious given the Hampton Wick location. I'd be looking to get it for £330k. If you do manage that price then it will rent for around £1400pcm which gives you a gross yield of 5.1%. Sweeet! :o)

Someone mentioned to me the other day that, despite enjoying reading my blog, they didn't actually know why I wrote them or what I did. I thought it therefore worth re-iterating that first and foremost I am a letting agent and I love helping landlords and/or investors find a property that fits what they're looking for and then find the perfect tenant for it. If this is something you're interested in knowing more about then please do get in touch. I'd love to hear from you and I respond to every email I get the same day I get it, without fail!

Rebecca Smith
020 8398 9333

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