Wednesday 10 June 2015

Spotlight on Huddersfield...should Teddington landlords be investing in the North?!

Now, I'm going a bit off-piste with today's blog because I want to talk to you about how you can make your property investment strategy fit your lifestyle and personal circumstances better.

Yes, I think Teddington is a great place to invest in property as you're never going to lose out in the long term with the rate of capital appreciation. The demand from both residents and tenants coming into the area is growing more and more each year which is pushing up house prices and rents alike. Good news if you already own property but not so good if you're trying to buy here.

So, what if you don't have a big pot of money to pay the current asking prices?! And what if you can't afford to wait for the capital to appreciate and you need cashflow now?! Well that's when you go North...! :o)

I've spent the last 2 years reading, researching and developing my long term investment strategy to create cashflow and its something I'm now able to do with other investors. All of the research that I have done ultimately points at Huddersfield for reasons too many to go into here. However, the snapshot is that the prices are very affordable (£50-60k for a 2 bed terrace), rents are good and the yields are therefore a minimum of 10% gross. Compare that to the average in Teddington which is 3.6% gross!! Added to that, a huge advantage is that there is demand from a broad cross-section of tenants, from University students to families to blue collar workers. No, you're not going to get the capital appreciation of Teddington but you will get cashflow and, if you buy lots, it won't take long before you can replace your income. I can show you how you can buy lots with just ONE pot of money that you use over and over again so you never run out of money. Woohoo!

I have created a 'power team' in Huddersfield who source properties for me, refurbish them where necessary, find tenants and then fully manage the property. I only therefore need to actually venture into 'the north' once a month at the most! A great hands off investment strategy. 

The perfect scenario would be to buy in both Teddington AND Huddersfield if you can afford to, to benefit from the capital appreciation and the cashflow together. However, I appreciate that's a luxury many of us don't have (including me)! So, if you're objective is to create long term wealth and you don't need the cashflow then stick to Teddington. But, if you want to create a replacement income that could have you leaving you J.O.B (Just Over Broke) in as little as 2 years then you need to go north and, for me, Huddersfield is just the ticket! :o)

If you want to know more then please do get in touch. I'm more than happy to chat through with you what I'm doing - I don't charge a penny I promise. I'm just starting to share this strategy and work with investors to show them how to build their portfolio to perfectly fit what they want to achieve, and I can help you to do the same. 

Rebecca Smith
0208 398 9333

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